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6-Month Reiki Membership Association Option

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Invest in Yourself and Grow Your Practice IARP offers a 6-month Professional Membership option so you can try out professional membership benefits for a shorter term before deciding to commit to 1 year or 2 year support. We work diligently for our members everyday to provide the highest quality services, programs, and offerings to help [...]

Benefits of Reiki Brochures

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Reiki Brochures are one of the best ways to market and grow your Reiki practice. Here are nine reasons why you should absolutely use professionally written and designed Reiki brochures as a key component of your marketing strategy. 1. Reiki Brochures are impactful. Professionally written and designed Reiki brochures such as those offered by IARP [...]

Reiki for Better Business: Incorporating Energy Healing into Your Professional Practice

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Add Reiki to Enhance Your Wellness Business As the owner of a wellness business, you want to offer services that help your clients feel their best. Adding Reiki sessions to the services offered by your business can help your clients--and your employees--feel their best. What is Reiki? The ancient healing art of Reiki has been [...]

Mobile Reiki – Your Professional Reiki Practice: Working Smart and Safe Part 2

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Just like you can never have too much Reiki, you can never have too many tips for working smart and safe while you’re practicing that Reiki. You’ll find a host of helpful hints in part one of our series plus additional useful info right here in part two. Here we focus on a mobile Reiki [...]

Use Collaboration Not Competition To Grow Your Reiki Practice

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One of the greatest things about Reiki is that it comes from an unlimited supply. There is no such thing as running out of divine healing energy, which means there is more than enough for you to share with others as freely as you get it. This especially holds true for other Reiki practitioners and [...]

Your Professional Reiki Practice: Working Safe and Smart, Part I

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While we Reiki practitioners live under a principle that encourages us to be kind to every living thing, not every living thing in the greater world may share that same mindset. It’s true that some people in this world may be less than kind or not on the same page as we are. Fortunately for [...]

How to Hold a Virtual Reiki Share

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As most of the world is social distancing, it’s only natural for Reiki to follow suit. You don’t need to miss out on your monthly Reiki share – you can host one virtually. Holding a virtual Reiki share lets you keep the healing energy flowing between yourself, your students, your Reiki colleagues and the community [...]

Blocks That Can Hinder Your Reiki Practice

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Building a successful Reiki Practice Building a successful Reiki practice takes dedication, determination, hard work — and the ability to overcome obstacles that crop up to block your path. While some of those obstacles may be obvious, others can be a bit more subtle and rather sneaky. Meet four of the sneaky ones below. Overthinking [...]

Tips to Transform Your OK Reiki Practice into a Thriving One

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Does your Reiki practice inspire and energize you every day? It needs to, or it won’t do the same for your clients. Reinvigorate yourself and transform your Reiki practice into a thriving one with a bit of revamping, investing and these five tips. 1. Fall in Love All Over Again with your Reiki Practice You [...]

Investing in Your Business, Investing in Yourself

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Everyone has a mission on this earth, whether they know it yet or not. Once we discover what our mission is, it’s essential to do everything we can to support it – at least if we want success. Those aiming for success as Reiki practitioners and teachers can take several actions to invest in themselves [...]

IARP is all about YOU!

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IARP is About YOU! IARP's #1 objective is to lovingly support YOU. We help you reach as many people as possible with Reiki by helping you start, grow and enjoy your business in a caring and professional way, with strong integrity and principles. Nearly 30 Years of Loving Support to Independent Reiki Practitioners and Master [...]

How Do I Put a Dollar (or Euro or Yen) Value on the Gift of Reiki?

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How to Charge for Reiki Sessions Reiki energy is free to anyone who wants it, that’s true. But if you don’t put a monetary value on the gift of Reiki that you enthusiastically bring to the world if this is your profession (or value yourself in whatever profession you are in), it’s also true you [...]

How to Transform Your Passions into Reiki Marketing Success

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Transforming Your Passions into Reiki Marketing Success You started your Reiki business because you love Reiki, right? Well, you can likewise channel your passions for various activities into Reiki marketing success. Here's how. Passion: Getting to Know People Reiki Marketing Tip: Know Your Customer This is the top tip for marketing any business. Here your [...]

Should You Add Reiki to Your Massage Practice ?

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Grow Your Massage Practice with Reiki As a massage therapist, you’re attuned to natural healing. You might be curious about using additional natural methods in your practice. Reiki, either incorporated in a massage session or offered by itself, is the perfect companion to massage. What is Reiki? The purpose of Reiki is to help a [...]

5 Tips for Starting a Reiki Business

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5 Tips for Starting a Reiki Business If there’s a common thread among Reiki practitioners, it’s the desire to help others. Developing your Reiki practice sounds like an exciting way to do that, but how do you start, then watch it grow? These five tips will help. 1. Determine Your Goals This doesn’t require a [...]

How to Create a Successful Holistic Health Practice

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Inner Factors for Creating a Successful Holistic Health Practice Becoming successful in any field or endeavor does not happen by luck. Hard work and determination might be where some people would begin. However, there are several inner key factors that set apart those who create successful massage and bodywork practices. When you look at someone [...]

Starting a Reiki Practice

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Whether you are starting a Reiki practice solely to provide Reiki healing to clients or patients in need or if you intend to offer Reiki training courses to teach others how to provide Reiki treatments, starting a Reiki business allows you to offer this complementary therapy to a larger number of people. Starting a Reiki [...]

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