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Physical Distancing, Social Connection: 10 Ways to Stay Connected and Be Your Best Self  

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As human beings, we need certain things to keep us happy. In addition to Reiki, of course. One is consistent growth. The other is connection with others. You can still get both, even with physical distancing in play. Here are ten ways to stay connected and be your best self – from the coziness of [...]

Reiki for All Life Stages

Reiki and Medicine, Reiki and the Family, Reiki for Animals and Pets, Self Care and Personal Development, What's New?|

Reiki for All Life Stages: From Pregnancy to Elder Care Reiki helps to restore and strengthen each person's life force. No matter what the individual's need is, Reiki will support his or her stability and well-being. Reiki does not discriminate. Its availability is constant. Treatment can be received by anyone, anywhere, anytime. The list of [...]

Reiki for Horses, The Benefits of Equine Reiki

All Reiki Articles, Reiki for Animals and Pets, What's New?|

The Benefits of Reiki for Horses Horse lovers readily agree that what’s good for a horse is usually also good for the owner. This is definitely true when considering the benefits of Reiki for horses. This gentle and non-intrusive therapy traces its modern origins to human patients in Japan. Today it’s growing in popularity as [...]

Reiki… A Profound Healing Experience

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Whether you experience a 20-minute session or a full one-hour session, the outcome is always so profound. Whether the reason for your Reiki session is for an emotional, physical, or spiritual imbalance, the outcome is profound. Whether you have had a Reiki session in the past, or have never had a Reiki experience, the outcome [...]

Chakra Basics

All Reiki Articles, News and Information, Reiki and Chakras, Reiki for Animals and Pets|

What are Chakras? Chakras are the concentrated energy centers of the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit term and it means “wheel” or “disk” and is derived from the root word "cakra". Chakras are spinning wheels of energy/light. Chakras have the loving responsibility of taking in, incorporating, and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal [...]

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