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6-Month Reiki Membership Association Option

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Invest in Yourself and Grow Your Practice IARP offers a 6-month Professional Membership option so you can try out professional membership benefits for a shorter term before deciding to commit to 1 year or 2 year support. We work diligently for our members everyday to provide the highest quality services, programs, and offerings to help [...]

Everything You Need to Know About Reiki Healing

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Maybe you've heard of Reiki, maybe you haven't. Or maybe you have a vague idea about what Reiki is, but you couldn't explain it to your friends or family if put on the spot. Regardless, here's your handy guide to all things Reiki, packed with answers to some of your biggest questions about this important [...]

How IARP and Reiki Love the Earth (And You Can, Too)

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IARP loves our planet and strives to be environmentally and socially conscious. Let's all do our part. While eco-friendly and environmentally-friendly may seem like terms for a rather modern trend, they're actually not. One ancient city located in the Indus Valley actually had waste-management and sanitation practices in place to offset the effects of pollution some 5,000 years ago. [...]

Dr. Chujiro Hayashi – Celebrating Reiki’s Lineage

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Reiki's lineage is one that is full of incredible individuals who have contributed so much to the practice. One of the most influential of these individuals is a man by the name of Dr. Chujiro Hayashi - an original lineage founder of Usui Reiki. Dr. Hayashi graduated from Navy School in December 1902. Afterward, he would go on [...]

Psychotherapeutic Reiki – Reiki for Mind and Body

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Can Reiki enhance a Psychotherapy practice? Reiki helps to calm and soothe and may help provide the stillness necessary for positive change. At the heart of the Psychotherapeutic Reiki approach is the position that psychological symptoms and conditions are organized and maintained by ki (subtle energy) in the human energy field and are stored and [...]

Physical Distancing, Social Connection: 10 Ways to Stay Connected and Be Your Best Self  

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As human beings, we need certain things to keep us happy. In addition to Reiki, of course. One is consistent growth. The other is connection with others. You can still get both, even with physical distancing in play. Here are ten ways to stay connected and be your best self – from the coziness of [...]

10 Tips for Sending Distance Reiki to the World During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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As Reiki Masters, Teachers and Practitioners we’re always looking for loving opportunities to share this divine healing energy. And none may be more a propos than the current coronavirus pandemic. The world could definitely use a big dose of Reiki right about now, and these tips can help ensure you send it in the most [...]

Coronavirus Safety for Reiki Practitioners, Teachers and Clients

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Stay Safe and Healthy Everyone! Most of the world is requesting or mandating that residents stay at home to be safe and to help slow the spread to the coronavirus outbreak. Listen to your national and local authorities for instruction and guidance. We are here for you and we love you! Together we will get [...]

Reiki Myths That Drive You Nuts

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Just because you’re knowledgeable about Reiki doesn’t mean the entire rest of the world is. In certain areas and populations Reiki continues to be surrounded by a level of mystique, misconceptions and myths — some of which are absurd enough to drive you nuts. Myth: Reiki is a Cult or Religion While Reiki is certainly [...]

IARP is all about YOU!

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IARP is About YOU! IARP's #1 objective is to lovingly support YOU. We help you reach as many people as possible with Reiki by helping you start, grow and enjoy your business in a caring and professional way, with strong integrity and principles. Nearly 30 Years of Loving Support to Independent Reiki Practitioners and Master [...]

5 Tips for Starting a Reiki Business

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5 Tips for Starting a Reiki Business If there’s a common thread among Reiki practitioners, it’s the desire to help others. Developing your Reiki practice sounds like an exciting way to do that, but how do you start, then watch it grow? These five tips will help. 1. Determine Your Goals This doesn’t require a [...]

Reiki and the Chakras: a Gateway for Opening Spiritual Gifts

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Reiki as a Gateway for Opening Spiritual Gifts The Attunement Process Reiki is a powerful tool that can open your spiritual gifts or speed up the journey.  All Reiki Practitioners, no matter what level they are, have gone through an attunement process.  This attunement opens the crown chakra, the heart chakra, and the chakras located [...]

A New Look at the Five Reiki Principles

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The Five Reiki Principles For the past months, I’ve been practicing Hatsurei-Ho, a Japanese Reiki meditation technique that incorporates the reciting of the 5 Reiki Principles.  What struck me a few weeks into this practice was the feeling I got from the words that make up the 5 Principles; that a “stern someone” was standing [...]

Reiki Sensations

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As Reiki energies flow between the practitioner and the recipient during the Reiki session, the two bodies may respond or react with particular sensations. Those sensations are nearly always pleasant. You may feel heat, warmth, cold, subtleness, steadfastness, or forcefulness. The fact that you can feel Reiki flowing, whether you are giving or receiving it, [...]

Chakra Basics

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What are Chakras? Chakras are the concentrated energy centers of the body. Chakra is a Sanskrit term and it means “wheel” or “disk” and is derived from the root word "cakra". Chakras are spinning wheels of energy/light. Chakras have the loving responsibility of taking in, incorporating, and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal [...]

Starting a Reiki Practice

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Whether you are starting a Reiki practice solely to provide Reiki healing to clients or patients in need or if you intend to offer Reiki training courses to teach others how to provide Reiki treatments, starting a Reiki business allows you to offer this complementary therapy to a larger number of people. Starting a Reiki [...]

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