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The Benefits of Reiki for Seniors

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The World's Population Demographic is Growing Older and More People in our Beloved Senior Group Can Benefit by Reiki Global populations are aging. In the USA, by 2030 all Baby Boomers will be Age 65 or older. This is an estimated 73 million people. And older adults are projected to outnumber children under age 18 [...]

The Growth of Reiki Healing in Vietnam

All Reiki Articles, International Reiki, Regional Reiki, Reiki Healing, What's New?|

Reiki healing had its beginnings in Japan but is now practiced all over the world. The therapy involves laying on of hands to relax a person, reduce stress and promote healing. It’s not surprising that Reiki has been growing in Vietnam, a country that has become a popular destination for spiritual exploration and holistic healing [...]

Folletos de Reiki en Español

All Reiki Articles, International Reiki, Professional Development, Reiki en Espanol, What's New?|

Haz crecer tu práctica de Reiki con los Folletos oficiales de Reiki en español. Muestre su profesionalismo y dedicación a su profesión con herramientas y recursos de calidad para el practicante de Reiki profesional. Hermosos folletos brillantes, a todo color, de la más alta calidad, explican sobre Reiki a clientes nuevos y potenciales. Los folletos son [...]

3 Reasons Reiki Is Gaining Popularity in Canada

All Reiki Articles, International Reiki, Reiki in Hospitals, What's New?|

Reiki in Canada As Reiki continues to gain momentum and respect in the western world, it also continues to grow in popularity, specifically in Canada. In this article, we are focusing on Canada's growing appreciation for Reiki and the growth of Reiki healing in Canada What is Reiki? Reiki is a complementary health and wellness [...]

5 Benefits of Reiki in Hong Kong

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Hong Kong is known around the world for many wonderful things—Causeway Bay, the Kowloon skyline, delicious Cantonese cuisine, Hong Kong architecture and Victoria Peak—just to name a few. And increasingly, Hong Kong is known for offering amazing access to alternative therapies such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, Art Therapy, and Reiki. Reiki masters in Hong Kong [...]

Le Reiki dans les Hôpitaux de l’Ontario

International Reiki, Regional Reiki, Reiki and Medicine, Reiki en Français, Reiki in Hospitals, What's New?|

Le reiki dans les hôpitaux de l'Ontario Au cours des dernières années, le reiki est devenu une option de traitement beaucoup plus populaire pour les patients au Canada, ainsi qu'un sujet de recherche scientifique. Par conséquence, de plus en plus de personnes demandent l'inclusion du reiki comme option de traitement dans divers milieux, y compris [...]

Tips for Keeping Your Reiki Business Going in Crazy Times

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Reiki is typically a hands-on healing method, and the coronavirus outbreak has temporarily created a decidedly hands-off world in some areas. Some countries and cities are returning to normal but other locales are still experiencing restrictions. Social distancing and the suspension of many local businesses in general are having an impact of everyone, including Reiki [...]

Reiki in British Columbia Hospitals and Vancouver Medical Settings

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Reiki has been growing in popularity throughout Canada, including within the province of British Columbia. As this treatment option becomes more widely available, a greater number of people are taking advantage of its many benefits. In the future, it is likely that the popularity and use of Reiki in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia will [...]

10 Tips for Sending Distance Reiki to the World During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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As Reiki Masters, Teachers and Practitioners we’re always looking for loving opportunities to share this divine healing energy. And none may be more a propos than the current coronavirus pandemic. The world could definitely use a big dose of Reiki right about now, and these tips can help ensure you send it in the most [...]

Coronavirus Safety for Reiki Practitioners, Teachers and Clients

All Reiki Articles, International Reiki, News and Information, Reiki and Medicine, Reiki in Hospitals, What's New?|

Stay Safe and Healthy Everyone! Most of the world is requesting or mandating that residents stay at home to be safe and to help slow the spread to the coronavirus outbreak. Listen to your national and local authorities for instruction and guidance. We are here for you and we love you! Together we will get [...]

Reiki in Ontario Hospitals

International Reiki, Regional Reiki, Reiki and Medicine, Reiki in Hospitals, What's New?|

Reiki in Ontario Hospitals In recent years, reiki has become a much more popular treatment option for patients in Canada, as well as a subject of scientific research. As a result, more people are calling for the inclusion of reiki as a treatment option in a variety of settings, including within Ontario hospitals. About Reiki [...]

Investing in Your Business, Investing in Yourself

International Reiki, Lifestyle, Professional Development, Reiki Business, What's New?|

Everyone has a mission on this earth, whether they know it yet or not. Once we discover what our mission is, it’s essential to do everything we can to support it – at least if we want success. Those aiming for success as Reiki practitioners and teachers can take several actions to invest in themselves [...]

El Reiki dentro del ámbito clínico

International Reiki, Reiki en Espanol|

El uso del Reiki dentro del ámbito clínico va en aumento La incursión del Reiki en ambientes institucionales, como hospitales y asilos, ha ido acrecentándose. Y el impulso de ese crecimiento parece provenir tanto de los pacientes como de los profesionales de la salud. “Cada vez se vuelve más común que los pacientes soliciten cuidados [...]

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