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Observing Live Blood via Live Cell Analysis Under Darkfield Microscopy When Exposed To Reiki Ryoho Treatment

Categories: All Reiki Articles, Reiki and Medicine, Reiki in Hospitals, Reiki Research, What's New?|

By Jacqueline Bowman, Vibrant Health Research Project August 2021 Abstract Objective To search for and observe change(s) of quality (motility, shape, and structure) in the Erythrocytes (RBC - Red [...]

Complementary and Integrative Therapies for the Management of Stress, Anxiety, Fatigue and Burnout in Nurses and Health Care Workers

Categories: All Reiki Articles, Reiki and Medicine, Reiki in Hospitals, Reiki Research, What's New?|

An Evidence-Based Quality Improvement Project:  Complementary & Integrative Therapies (CIT) Reiki Research Project Facilitator: Steven R. Lopez, MBA, CCHt, Reiki Master/Teacher, EFT & Transpersonal Wellness Practitioner, Volunteer at [...]

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