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Reiki for Empaths

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Reiki for Empaths Harnessing Energy Healing for Emotional Well-Being Being an empath means compassion, empathy and feeling and possibly absorbing what other people are experiencing. Empaths not only recognize other people’s emotional state, but feel those emotions and take them on themselves. This comes with benefits especially in healing profession fields such as being a [...]

Reiki New Years’ Resolutions You’ll Be Enthusiastic to Keep

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Give your Reiki practice – and overall life – a shiny bright boost with five 2024 resolutions that are both fun and easy to keep.  1. Purify Your Workspace  Your workspace may be regularly dusted and vacuumed, but when’s the last time you gave it a deep energetic cleanse? Get out the singing bowls, sage and tingshas [...]

Empowering Your Intuition with Reiki: Awakening Your Inner Guidance System

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When you have a hunch or a gut feeling about something, that’s your intuition at work. Your intuition can help you make decisions or understand people or situations in your life better. Getting used to being intuitive or developing this ability further can take time and practice. The energy healing techniques used in Reiki can [...]

Reiki for Enhancing Relationships and Connection

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Creating healthy relationships and establishing strong connections with others is an ongoing goal throughout our lives. These connections and relationships can help us feel loved and boost our emotional well-being. They can also help us learn more about ourselves. Romantic relationships, family ties, friendships, and other relationships help us feel connected to others, but they [...]

Psychotherapeutic Reiki – Reiki for Mind and Body

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Can Reiki enhance a Psychotherapy practice? Reiki helps to calm and soothe and may help provide the stillness necessary for positive change. At the heart of the Psychotherapeutic Reiki approach is the position that psychological symptoms and conditions are organized and maintained by ki (subtle energy) in the human energy field and are stored and [...]

Physical Distancing, Social Connection: 10 Ways to Stay Connected and Be Your Best Self  

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As human beings, we need certain things to keep us happy. In addition to Reiki, of course. One is consistent growth. The other is connection with others. You can still get both, even with physical distancing in play. Here are ten ways to stay connected and be your best self – from the coziness of [...]

10 Tips for Sending Distance Reiki to the World During the Coronavirus Pandemic

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As Reiki Masters, Teachers and Practitioners we’re always looking for loving opportunities to share this divine healing energy. And none may be more a propos than the current coronavirus pandemic. The world could definitely use a big dose of Reiki right about now, and these tips can help ensure you send it in the most [...]

Reiki Myths That Drive You Nuts

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Just because you’re knowledgeable about Reiki doesn’t mean the entire rest of the world is. In certain areas and populations Reiki continues to be surrounded by a level of mystique, misconceptions and myths — some of which are absurd enough to drive you nuts. Myth: Reiki is a Cult or Religion While Reiki is certainly [...]

Reiki for Thanksgiving and the Holiday Season

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Quick Tips for Boosting Your Gratitude Regardless of the traditional meanings and origins of the Thanksgiving holiday, we can set aside time wherever you reside in the world to give thanks and feel gratitude for all of the good things in your life. Like your family and friends, your pets, your wonderful clients, your path, [...]

One New Year’s Resolution that Helps All Others: Reiki

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When it comes to making New Year’s resolutions, many folks immediately starting writing a long list of grand goals they wish to achieve. But there’s an easier and more effective way to go about it. If you make a resolution to ramp up your Reiki practice and Reiki business, all other resolutions may seem to [...]

Investing in Your Business, Investing in Yourself

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Everyone has a mission on this earth, whether they know it yet or not. Once we discover what our mission is, it’s essential to do everything we can to support it – at least if we want success. Those aiming for success as Reiki practitioners and teachers can take several actions to invest in themselves [...]

How Reiki Can Boost Your Creativity

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Creativity comes in many forms, whether it’s making music, forging yard art or even finding an amazing solution to a mundane problem. And Reiki has the power to help fuel your creativity into realms you may have never thought possible. Here’s how and why Reiki can boost your creativity. Reiki Can Boost Your Creativity by Reducing Stress [...]

Integrating Reiki Healing into Your Yoga Practice

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Guess what's missing from your yoga practice? (Hint: Reiki) You have a dozen yoga mats, several stylish yoga outfits, and even a few props. Your past yoga classes, books, and videos ensure you have your poses and sequences down pat. But as you’ve progressed along your yoga journey, you may have started to feel that [...]

A New Look at the Five Reiki Principles

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The Five Reiki Principles For the past months, I’ve been practicing Hatsurei-Ho, a Japanese Reiki meditation technique that incorporates the reciting of the 5 Reiki Principles.  What struck me a few weeks into this practice was the feeling I got from the words that make up the 5 Principles; that a “stern someone” was standing [...]

Reiki…Ten Useful Applications of Reiki Healing to Improve Your Personal and Professional Life

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About Reiki and the Concept of Life Force Energy Reiki is the Japanese name for Universal Life Energy, the source of vitality and the very ‘life force’ that keeps us alive and healthy. Therefore, the fundamental importance of Reiki in life, being critical to our existence, cannot be over-emphasized. Yet, to many the concept of this [...]

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