How Reiki Helps Cancer Patients
How Reiki Helps Cancer Patients Reiki, a stress reduction and relaxation technique, has become a subject of curiosity for cancer patients everywhere. Studies and anecdotal evidence have shown that, in addition to promoting relaxation among patients, Reiki can also be used to encourage healing and provide other benefits. In fact, some studies have even explored [...]
Reiki Healing: A Personal Experience
Reiki Perspectives: My Journey to and with Reiki Quite often I am asked, “What is Reiki?” The answer is simple yet quite complex. The word Reiki means Universal Life Force or Energy. It’s the word “energy” that is most interesting, simple, and complex. When we are tired we often say, “I have no energy left, [...]
Should You Add Reiki to Your Massage Practice ?
Grow Your Massage Practice with Reiki As a massage therapist, you’re attuned to natural healing. You might be curious about using additional natural methods in your practice. Reiki, either incorporated in a massage session or offered by itself, is the perfect companion to massage. What is Reiki? The purpose of Reiki is to help a [...]
All About Reiki
What is Reiki? What is Reiki? It's a commonly asked question with an answer that is both simple and complex. In short, Reiki is a technique to promote relaxation and reduce stress. It originated or, more correctly, was rediscovered in Japan, but now has become popular in Western countries and throughout the world. Learning all [...]
5 Tips for Starting a Reiki Business
5 Tips for Starting a Reiki Business If there’s a common thread among Reiki practitioners, it’s the desire to help others. Developing your Reiki practice sounds like an exciting way to do that, but how do you start, then watch it grow? These five tips will help. 1. Determine Your Goals This doesn’t require a [...]
Reiki for Infants and Babies
Opening up your Practice by offering Reiki for Infants and Babies Do you provide care for families with a newborn or infant? Consider opening your Reiki practice to infants and babies. The calming effect of Reiki is great for all infants and babies, but especially for preemies and newborns with special needs. Calming Colic and [...]
Reiki for Cats and Dogs
Out of Sorts Cat or Dog? Reiki to the Rescue! Progressive and forward-thinking humans all over the world are fans of the practice of Reiki, a system of holistic energy healing. Within the last decade, however, the use of animal Reiki among animal rescues, behaviorists, pet owners, and veterinarians has skyrocketed. What Exactly is Pet [...]
Chanting Reiki Symbols
Reiki and Chanting One of the many gifts I received from my Karuna Reiki® Training was the use of chanting as part of the Reiki healing system. I was blessed with taking the Karuna Master training twice in 2011. At first, the use of chanting and toning felt odd and uncomfortable, especially in a session. [...]
Learn Reiki
Learn Reiki Wouldn’t it be great if you could help to soothe or lessen stress, anxiety, and pain any time you wished with a calming and healing touch? If you learn Reiki, you can. It's a toolbox in your hands anytime you wish to have a little calm and peace in your world. Learning to [...]
Reiki and Physics
Has Physics Caught Up With Reiki? In October 1927, the world became a more magical place. The greatest living mathematicians and physicists had gathered in Belgium for the fifth Solvay Conference. It was here that Einstein, unimpressed with Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle, famously said: “God does not play dice.” The world was meant to adhere to [...]
Reiki for Traumatic Stress Relief
Reiki as a Complementary Healing Therapy I first learned about Reiki, a Japanese healing art, while working on the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Project from 2001- 2007 for the New York State Health Department. Driven by consumer demands, complementary therapies such as Reiki were slowly being integrated into hospital settings, medical school curriculum, and [...]
Reiki and Chronic Pain: Can Reiki Help Provide Comfort for the Chronic Pain Epidemic?
Reiki and the Chronic Pain Epidemic Chronic pain affects more than 100 million Americans, according to a report released by the Institute of Medicine. Another 10 million people suffer from pain on a near-daily basis in Britain, according to The British Pain Society. Those numbers are just for two countries. Imagine what the worldwide numbers [...]
Reiki and the Chakras: a Gateway for Opening Spiritual Gifts
Reiki as a Gateway for Opening Spiritual Gifts The Attunement Process Reiki is a powerful tool that can open your spiritual gifts or speed up the journey. All Reiki Practitioners, no matter what level they are, have gone through an attunement process. This attunement opens the crown chakra, the heart chakra, and the chakras located [...]
Joyful Relationships
All relationships can be pleasurable when we know how to generate happiness regardless of what others say and do. Love and prosperity are self-generated because we are love and prosperity. Because we are love, we do not and cannot get love from anyone, but when we are around people who like us, it is easier to [...]
How to Manage and Revitalize Your Personal Energy
Energy, Health, and Conscious Living The 21st Century Energy Crisis One of the major health issues affecting people today is a lack of energy. The energy crisis we are currently facing is not limited to our environment and the planet we live on. The crisis extends to each one of us, and the bodies we [...]
Psychotherapeutic Reiki for Mind and Body
At the heart of this approach is the position that psychological symptoms and conditions are organized and maintained by ki (subtle energy) in the human energy field and are stored and carried in the physical body. Traditional psychotherapeutic approaches do not address subtle energy and they tend to downplay or ignore the role the body [...]
Finding Your Power – Laying the Seeds for an Unshakable Foundation
The journey of finding your power, when taken in earnest, changes you from the inside out. It changes all that you say, do, think, and feel about yourself, your relationships, and life’s circumstances. At first blush, the concept may sound a little foreign. But, once you commence the journey to discover your true essence, your [...]
Reiki for Teaching Professionals and Educators
Reiki is for Teachers Are you a teacher of K-12? Can Reiki assist you in preparing yourself for your classes and in creating a level of calmness and harmony in the classroom? We say, “Yes!” Like many people, you may teach during the week and provide Reiki sessions or classes on the weekends and in [...]
Thoughts on Teaching Reiki
I have been teaching Reiki since 2006. Over the years I have found myself repeating certain phrases during my classes. I tell my students that if they remember anything from their class to remember these things: Reiki is the Teacher Trust your intuition Intention is everything Keep your ego and personality out of it I’ve [...]
How to Create a Successful Holistic Health Practice
Inner Factors for Creating a Successful Holistic Health Practice Becoming successful in any field or endeavor does not happen by luck. Hard work and determination might be where some people would begin. However, there are several inner key factors that set apart those who create successful massage and bodywork practices. When you look at someone [...]
Clearing Your Space with Reiki
Applying Reiki Energy to Your Space The energy that moves through you in a Reiki session can be applied to the space you live in and work in as well, with great beneficial effects. In fact, the Reiki you do on yourself and on others will be enhanced if the space you work in is [...]
A New Look at the Five Reiki Principles
The Five Reiki Principles For the past months, I’ve been practicing Hatsurei-Ho, a Japanese Reiki meditation technique that incorporates the reciting of the 5 Reiki Principles. What struck me a few weeks into this practice was the feeling I got from the words that make up the 5 Principles; that a “stern someone” was standing [...]
How Reiki Changes Your Life
Reiki Changes Your Life with Love Reiki profoundly changes your life. Not only have I experienced the wonderful events brought on by the unconditional love of the universe in myself, but I have witnessed it in others too. No one will deny the humbling power of the universal energy that celebrates our connection to everything [...]
Reiki Sensations
As Reiki energies flow between the practitioner and the recipient during the Reiki session, the two bodies may respond or react with particular sensations. Those sensations are nearly always pleasant. You may feel heat, warmth, cold, subtleness, steadfastness, or forcefulness. The fact that you can feel Reiki flowing, whether you are giving or receiving it, [...]
Recharging Your Compassionate Heart
Are you someone who cares about other people? Are you among the first to notice if someone is upset? Do you like to help those in need around you? Are you someone who often thinks of other’s needs before your own? Healthy Connections and Healthy Boundaries If you answered yes to any of the questions above, [...]