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How to Transform Your Passions into Reiki Marketing Success

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Transforming Your Passions into Reiki Marketing Success You started your Reiki business because you love Reiki, right? Well, you can likewise channel your passions for various activities into Reiki marketing success. Here's how. Passion: Getting to Know People Reiki Marketing Tip: Know Your Customer This is the top tip for marketing any business. Here your [...]

The Magical Essence of Reiki Symbols

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Reiki Symbols So much already is being said about the symbols within the system of Reiki that we might wonder, what else is there to say? Whole books have been written about them and yet... The essence of the Reiki symbols is so simple that we could express it in one or two sentences, so [...]

How Can Reiki Help Your Nursing Practice ?

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How Can Reiki Help Your Nursing Practice? As an integrative practice, Reiki focuses on the client, not a specific illness. Reiki and Nursing go hand in hand because Reiki can help a patient become more receptive to traditional medical treatment. Reiki by itself often helps a patient not ready for a specific therapy to become calmer, [...]

Exploring Mikao Usui Reiki Teachings Part I

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“Everything in the Universe possesses Reiki without any exception.” - - Note from a student of Usui-san * Many people claim to be in the direct lineage of Usui-san and that they are teaching the “true” teachings of Mikao Usui. But is this possible? This is an interesting question since it is said that Mikao [...]

Should You Add Reiki to Your Massage Practice ?

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Grow Your Massage Practice with Reiki As a massage therapist, you’re attuned to natural healing. You might be curious about using additional natural methods in your practice. Reiki, either incorporated in a massage session or offered by itself, is the perfect companion to massage. What is Reiki? The purpose of Reiki is to help a [...]

5 Tips for Starting a Reiki Business

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5 Tips for Starting a Reiki Business If there’s a common thread among Reiki practitioners, it’s the desire to help others. Developing your Reiki practice sounds like an exciting way to do that, but how do you start, then watch it grow? These five tips will help. 1. Determine Your Goals This doesn’t require a [...]

How to Create a Successful Holistic Health Practice

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Inner Factors for Creating a Successful Holistic Health Practice Becoming successful in any field or endeavor does not happen by luck. Hard work and determination might be where some people would begin. However, there are several inner key factors that set apart those who create successful massage and bodywork practices. When you look at someone [...]

A New Look at the Five Reiki Principles

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The Five Reiki Principles For the past months, I’ve been practicing Hatsurei-Ho, a Japanese Reiki meditation technique that incorporates the reciting of the 5 Reiki Principles.  What struck me a few weeks into this practice was the feeling I got from the words that make up the 5 Principles; that a “stern someone” was standing [...]

Reiki…Ten Useful Applications of Reiki Healing to Improve Your Personal and Professional Life

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About Reiki and the Concept of Life Force Energy Reiki is the Japanese name for Universal Life Energy, the source of vitality and the very ‘life force’ that keeps us alive and healthy. Therefore, the fundamental importance of Reiki in life, being critical to our existence, cannot be over-emphasized. Yet, to many the concept of this [...]

Starting a Reiki Practice

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Whether you are starting a Reiki practice solely to provide Reiki healing to clients or patients in need or if you intend to offer Reiki training courses to teach others how to provide Reiki treatments, starting a Reiki business allows you to offer this complementary therapy to a larger number of people. Starting a Reiki [...]

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