Just like you can never have too much Reiki, you can never have too many tips for working smart and safe while you’re practicing that Reiki. You’ll find a host of helpful hints in part one of our series plus additional useful info right here in part two. Here we focus on a mobile Reiki practice and following are tips to keep you safe out there in the world while you travel and deliver professional Reiki services for your clients.

1. Get the Facts

Before meeting with any new client, gather essential info – and then do a quick fact check on it. Information you want to gather includes:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Home and mobile phone numbers
  • Reason they’re seeking Reiki 

First, speak with any new potential client on the phone. If it feels like a good match for both of you and you feel you can help them and you can fit them into your schedule, then you can send them your new client forms. Email your new future client their onboarding forms ahead of time for them to return to you prior to your session. You can require they return them via email at least 24-48 hours prior to your first session. This way you can review the forms, their Reiki needs, and schedule them if you feel it’s a good professional match and you can help them after review of forms and initial phone call.

You may place a link in your initial email or appointment confirmation email to our article what they can expect at the their first Reiki session . IARP Professional Members, login to your Members Area for sample client forms in Member Resources.

Mobile practitioners also want to ask about the members and pets in the household as well as the type of residence they’ll be visiting. ie. stairs, parking in driveway or on street, which door to enter, etc.. You’ll ask about pets if you have allergies and so you know what to expect. You also want to ask about family members i.e. if they have a baby you’ll speak softly, also you want to make sure they have a room where you can set up your table where they won’t be disturbed during their session.

Make sure the information they provided is correct and also do a quick internet search of any unfamiliar neighborhood you’ll be visiting to determine parking, directions and extra travel time needed if they are in a heavy traffic area.

2. Safeguard Your Car When Out and About

If you travel for your Reiki practice, either to an outside office or for mobile visits, make sure you safeguard your car. The usual car safety tips apply, such as locking doors, rolling up windows and keeping valuables locked in the trunk. 

Additional car safety tips include:

  • Parking in a well-lit area with an easy exit 
  • Backing into driveways for a fast exit and to ensure you don’t get blocked in
  • Heading to your car with your keys in hand
  • Checking your car interior before getting in
  • Locking your doors immediately after getting in
  • Not parking next to trucks or vans
  • Having an extra set of car keys just in case you lock yours in the vehicle
  • Keeping the gas or petrol tank full or your caar charged up if electric

3. Keep Essentials Close at Hand

No matter where you’re practicing Reiki, it’s a good idea to keep your cell phone close at hand. Consider putting it in a pocket, on a lanyard, or using a cellphone holster or arm band. Keeping your phone close means you always have the means to call for help if an emergency situation should arise.

Let colleagues or family know where you will be for all outgoing Reiki housecalls, i.e. client name, address, appointment time. Tell them you will text or call them when done with the session and are back in your car. If they don’t hear from you instruct them to text or call you at that predetermined time.

When away from home, keeping your car keys and identification on you is another wise move. This way you can leave the area as quickly as possible if needed if there is an emergency such as a fire or intruder. 

4. Reduce the Risk of Theft

Keeping valuable items out of sight is one of the easiest ways to reduce the risk of theft. After all, people aren’t going to be tempted to steal items if they don’t even know they exist. 

Consider a minimalistic approach to your Reiki room or office. Decorate with the bare essentials, removing anything that can be easily stolen. 

You can leave your purse, wallet, credit cards and other valuables locked in the trunk during house calls. Only carry your car keys, phone and ID. Avoid wearing expensive jewelry or flashy clothes. 

5. Assess the Environment

Always being aware of your surroundings sets the foundation for staying safe. This especially applies to mobile Reiki practices. Never enter, or even stop at a location that makes you feel uncomfortable. Your safety is paramount. And remember, you are never obligated to provide Reiki for someone. You can cancel or end a session at anytime, even at the last minute prior to a session. And, of course, parking difficulty, illness or traffic may make cancellation necessary as well.

Don’t enter a house if:

  • You hear screaming, yelling or sounds of a disturbance
  • Anyone is under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Anyone is not dressed appropriately 

No matter where you are, make a mental note of the exits, the best way to get out during an emergency, and any trip hazards or other potential dangers around the home. 

6. Be Aware of Pets 

Unless you are specifically making a house call to give Reiki to pets, you may want to make it a policy not to interact with animals in the household. Even the friendliest pets can become fearful, agitated or aggressive. You can always request prior to your visit that pets be kept in a separate room or area during your visit. 

7. Know How to React   

In life, no matter how cautious and proactive we may be, we may still find ourselves in a dangerous situation. It’s a strange world these days and when out and about you want to be prepared for any potential situations and act with streetsmarts and logic. 

Remaining as calm as possible is the best strategy. Speak slowly, avoid standing face-to-face with any aggressors you may encounter, and extract yourself from any seemingly dangerous situation as rapidly and smoothly as possible.

Your goal would be to get away and into your car or to a safe and secure area where you can call for help. 

Learning self-defense techniques lets you add another layer of protection. Even the simplest moves can help greatly, such as learning to step aside if someone lunges at you or how to break free from a grasp. 

8. More Smart and Safe Ideas

Be sure to also read Part One of our Working Smart and Safe series as all of the tips in part one apply for mobile Reiki as well. Practicing good boundaries, in or out of the office, is always in yours and everyone’s best interest. 

One More Tip

One more tip is to use the power of Reiki before, after and during your session for one more layer of protection. The combination of Reiki, these safety tips and common sense can go a long way toward keeping you safe so you may continue to joyfully practice Reiki for years to come.  Reiki On!

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