As human beings, we need certain things to keep us happy. In addition to Reiki, of course. One is consistent growth. The other is connection with others. You can still get both, even with physical distancing in play. Here are ten ways to stay connected and be your best self – from the coziness of your very own home.

Normally our articles are instructive and more serious but we wanted in some small way to offer a few fun ideas to help keep you sane and socially connected during this serious and somber time of the pandemic. Our hearts are with you and all of your families out there to stay safe. Our enormous thanks to all of the healthcare workers, physicians, nurses, grocery workers, delivery people, and everyone who is doing their beautiful work in this world so that we can survive this pandemic. You are heroes! We honor you and we love you!!

Now.. here are ten ideas to stay connected during physical distancing:

Hold a Group Meditation Session

Creating your own group meditation session can help keep everyone centered, calm and connected. Use FaceTime, Zoom or another online video conferencing tool to get everyone together and chanting in unison. Om on!

Visit Mt. Kurama in Japan

Read more about Dr. Usui’s journey to Reiki here.

Then visit this sacred Reiki site here from the comfort of your home.

Have a Netflix Movie Night

Recreate movie night, virtually, by using the Netflix Party option. It’s available on laptops as an extension for Google Chrome, and it lets you watch Netflix together as a group. Opt for a spiritual movie or documentary, such as “Ram Dass, Going Home” or “On Yoga: The Architecture of Peace”.

Take a Virtual Spiritual Site Tour with Friends

Enjoy a tour together with friends via phone, Zoom, or other platforms. Enjoy with your family. Or enjoy solo from your armchair with a warm tea or healthy smoothie. No need for hiking shoes – your slippers or cozy socks will be fine.

Experience the Taj Mahal.

Take a virtual trip and learn about the Pyramids of Egypt.

Visit the awe-inspiring Machu Picchu and learn about this sacred site.

Take a 360 degree virtual tour of London here.

Spend a virtual day in Sydney Australia.

Explore The Great Wall of China.

Visit the sacred lands of Israel: Jerusalem & the Dead Sea.

Virtually Visit a World-Class Museum

Enjoy a tour from the comfort of your home of world-class museums. If you have children at home it can be a learning and exploration study or an adult art discussion and appreciation visit.

Explore the exhibits at The Louvre.

Visit The Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC.

See the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. No airplane flight required.

Visit the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles.

Visit an Aquarium or Observe Wildlife

Visit with and learn about our friends on land, sea and air via a tour. Send Reiki to the animals while you’re there!

Check out the Moon Jellyfish cam, the shark cam or the coral reef cam at the Monterey Bay Aquarium.

Visit with baboons, elephants, tigers, polar bears and more at the San Diego Zoo.

Check out pandas with Zoo Atlanta’s Panda Cam.

Yosemite National Park in California. See a live stream of Yosemite Falls.

Explore Bird Cams. Learn about and view the majestic birds of the world. From owls to falcons, hummingbirds to eagles, penguins to puffins.

Host a Virtual Reiki Share

Use Zoom or FaceTime and connect with your Reiki students and friends.

Send a Sweet Email (or 12)

Think of people in your life you appreciate. Then make a point to send emails to each of them when you have an extra moment in your day. Your list can include your Reiki teacher, your spiritual advisor, your kindergarten teacher – and anyone else who merits a thank-you or thinking-of-you message sent with a burst of loving Reiki.

Call Someone You Know Could Use It

Elderly neighbors, stressed-out mothers, and long-lost friends are likely to appreciate a call from someone to cheer them up, say Hi, or simply listen. Tap into your contact list and get calling.

Join a Virtual Painting Party

Get your creative juices flowing. Paint Nites involve getting together with pals and painting under the guidance of an artist. Head to this website, find an image you want to paint, then book it.

If no image options call deeply to your soul, you can always make adaptations to your painting as you wish. Try adding imagery in the clouds or angels peeking out from behind the flowers.

Enjoy Each Day – Our time on earth is precious

With these ten options on your schedule, you’re sure to stay connected, growing – and walking forward on the happiness track. Enjoy!

Lots of Love and Virtual Hugs from All of Your Friends at IARP

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