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A New Look at the Five Reiki Principles

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The Five Reiki Principles For the past months, I’ve been practicing Hatsurei-Ho, a Japanese Reiki meditation technique that incorporates the reciting of the 5 Reiki Principles.  What struck me a few weeks into this practice was the feeling I got from the words that make up the 5 Principles; that a “stern someone” was standing [...]

Reiki…Ten Useful Applications of Reiki Healing to Improve Your Personal and Professional Life

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About Reiki and the Concept of Life Force Energy Reiki is the Japanese name for Universal Life Energy, the source of vitality and the very ‘life force’ that keeps us alive and healthy. Therefore, the fundamental importance of Reiki in life, being critical to our existence, cannot be over-emphasized. Yet, to many the concept of this [...]

Opportunity for a Physician who Practices Reiki in USA

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Opportunity for a Physician who Practices Reiki in the USA Unique opportunity for a physician who practices Reiki to take part in a national research presentation video. The project leaders are seeking a medical doctor who is trained in and uses Reiki. Specifically, a physician who is personally trained in and experienced in the use [...]

Reiki Rap

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We love Reiki so much (and we know you do too) that we wanted to celebrate the beautiful and effective modality that it is! And to celebrate you - all of the amazing practitioners and teachers who spread Reiki to those who benefit. Here is the first of a series of songs and Reiki music [...]

Reiki… A Profound Healing Experience

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Whether you experience a 20-minute session or a full one-hour session, the outcome is always so profound. Whether the reason for your Reiki session is for an emotional, physical, or spiritual imbalance, the outcome is profound. Whether you have had a Reiki session in the past, or have never had a Reiki experience, the outcome [...]

Starting a Reiki Practice

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Whether you are starting a Reiki practice solely to provide Reiki healing to clients or patients in need or if you intend to offer Reiki training courses to teach others how to provide Reiki treatments, starting a Reiki business allows you to offer this complementary therapy to a larger number of people. Starting a Reiki [...]

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