5 Tips for Starting a Reiki Business
If there’s a common thread among Reiki practitioners, it’s the desire to help others. Developing your Reiki practice sounds like an exciting way to do that, but how do you start, then watch it grow? These five tips will help.
1. Determine Your Goals
This doesn’t require a spreadsheet. Even an index card will do to begin. Choose a clear goal, meaning numbers and dates. It could be the number of weekly clients you want to have by a specified number of months.
Developing a successful practice requires continual planning and updating goals. Use Reiki to help you develop a positive mindset for achieving a succession of objectives.
2. Offer Top Skills
Earn certification as a Reiki master/teacher. Continue learning by exchanging ideas with other practitioners.
Incorporate new methods or ideas into your practice one at a time. When one works well, develop it further. When one fails, drop it and learn from it.
3. Tackle the Practical
Starting any business requires some basic legal considerations. An income tax professional can help you make the best decisions tax-wise for developing your practice. Before your first session, be sure to address these areas:
- Choose a business structure, for example, sole proprietorship
- Pick a business name
- Obtain a business license(s)
- Learn about taxes and record-keeping
- Choose a location
- Secure liability insurance
- Develop a client intake form
4. Market, Market, Market
How? Order some sharp business cards and ask acquaintances to hand them to others. Offer a free “Reiki night” once a month to attract potential clients. Have a pro help you design a website and put its URL on your business card. Develop a mailing list. Volunteer to give talks on Reiki in your community.
Also, consider exchanging treatments with other alternative therapists. Trading a Reiki session for a massage is an enjoyable way to market your business.

5 Tips for Staring a Successful Reiki Business
5. Join an Association for true Reiki Professionals
Becoming a member of the IARP, the Professional Reiki Association, is vital to learning how to grow your Reiki practice. You’ll find suggestions for practice growth and practical products like liability insurance and other business tools. Membership brings the chance to earn certification, share ideas with other Reiki professionals, and receive regular newsletters.
Is today the day you become a member and begin to develop your Reiki business?
Click here to find out about all of the great benefits. Your success is our goal.
**This article appeared in The Reiki Times, the official magazine of the International Association of Reiki Professionals.
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