Reiki in Canada

As Reiki continues to gain momentum and respect in the western world, it also continues to grow in popularity, specifically in Canada. In this article, we are focusing on Canada’s growing appreciation for Reiki and the growth of Reiki healing in Canada

What is Reiki?

Reiki is a complementary health and wellness modality that originated in Japan and is considered a form of energy healing. Reiki professionals use hands-on healing to enhance a client’s healthy energy flow. The goal is to assist in promoting physical or emotional healing. Reiki promotes the relaxation response which helps to put the body in a stress-reduced state that is more conducive to healing. While people tend to have a strong opinion either way about the benefits of Reiki, what is hard to deny is that Reiki healing continues to positively affect many people around the world today. Reiki healing is a wonderful complement to traditional medicine to help support your physician’s or medical team’s healing plan. In addition to hospitals and medical centers, Reiki has also found its way to spas and other complementary healing offices and businesses.

Studies continue to show, as referenced in A Canadian Experience of Integrating Complementary Therapy in a Hospital Palliative Care Unit in the Journal of Palliative Medicine, that integrating complementary therapies such as Reiki into more traditional therapy programs results in better symptom management and increased comfort. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, as much as 70% of Canadians now use “complementary and alternative health-care therapies” including Reiki.

Reiki is gaining popularity in Canada.. but why? Here are 3 quick contributing factors.

1. Respected Source of Reiki Practitioner and Teacher Professionals

Throughout Canada, many acclaimed Reiki practitioners and teachers are growing and benefiting from skilled Reiki Masters who professionally lead the lessons and personally accompany the students on their Reiki journey. People are increasingly discovering the many benefits of receiving Reiki and of Reiki training in Canada. This only adds to the popularity and respectability of Reiki in the country.

Several decades ago, it was difficult if not impossible to locate a Reiki healer, let alone a Reiki Master who was willing to invest time and training in students wanting to learn Reiki, but today the list of local teachers and training centers throughout Canada is growing at an impressive rate.

To find an IARP Registered Reiki Master Teacher or Registered Reiki Practitioner Professional in your area, see the IARP website: Reiki near me.

2. Devoted and Dedicated Reiki Professionals

A third way Reiki is gaining popularity in Canada is because of a growing body of qualified and truly dedicated Registered Reiki professionals. As opposed to when Reiki was just introduced to the world many decades ago, there exists now more professionalism in Reiki and ongoing learning and professional development. Through every excellent Reiki session provided and class taught, more people are seeing the benefits of Reiki in their own lives. The more Reiki the better and we work to rise all boats, not compete against. We at IARP believe in collaboration not competition for the success of the Reiki community. This has been in our organizational dna in our over 25 years of loving service and support to Reiki Masters and Professionals worldwide.

USA and Canada are helping to lead the way in the western world for Reiki so that individuals and medical professionals alike see the many benefits of incorporating Reiki into a healthy, integrative practice.

3. Proven List of Reiki Benefits

Ongoing research and studies continue to point to the many benefits of Reiki, including increased wellness, stress reduction, better stress management contributing to healthier relationships, clarity in improved meditation practices, increased focus toward manifestation of goals, and ongoing spiritual growth.

Additionally, as top hospitals around the world continue to see and acknowledge the many benefits of healing energy, Reiki is being added as a respected supportive treatment to medical settings throughout the country.  See Reiki in Ontario Hospitals for more information. Also Reiki in British Columbia for more statistics and reasons why Reiki is gaining in popularity in Canada.

Specifically, many of the country’s premier medical centers are using Reiki to support authorized medical professionals such as physicians and nurses with such issues as:

According to ongoing research from The Fraser Institute, with offices in Vancouver BC, Calgary AB, Toronto ON, Montreal QC, and Halifax NS,  Canadians are becoming increasingly aware of and interested in the many benefits of alternative treatments. And specifically, there has been a noticeable uptick in people pursuing energy healing from their research.

Bottom line: Reiki’s popularity in Canada has grown and is growing. Whether you are new to Reiki or a seasoned practitioner, we’d love to be part of your journey for your greatest success with Reiki and reaching and helping as many people in need as possible. We can help you grow your practice. And provide you with the professional tools to be a standout in the field of Reiki.

Or if you are looking for a qualified Reiki Practitioner in Canada or Reiki Master Teacher who you can trust and is dedicated to the profession and to your success, we can point you in the right direction. Find a Canada Reiki Professional here.

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