Inner Factors for Creating a Successful Holistic Health Practice
Becoming successful in any field or endeavor does not happen by luck. Hard work and determination might be where some people would begin. However, there are several inner key factors that set apart those who create successful massage and bodywork practices. When you look at someone with a successful practice, his or her secrets are not always on the surface. A lot of their success-making factors cannot be seen because their winning combination starts within.
First: What is Your Inner Vision?
The first key to having a successful holistic health business is to have an inner vision of what you want to create. A business without a vision is like a ship sailing without a compass. Meditate on this vision and watch it expand. Write your vision down in detail. The next step is to list the goals of what needs to be done to make this vision happen. List about five to ten goals. Then prioritize these goals with time frames in which they will be accomplished. Make a strategy (objectives for each goal) of how you will address these goals. This is where the hard work, determination, and staying focused on your vision comes into play. Keep your vision with you, so that when you get off course you can bring your energy and focus back to your vision and goals. Revisit these monthly. A Harvard study showed that only 3% of the population writes down their goals. Anyone can set goals. So get started.
About Your Inner Motivator
The success of your business is also determined by your inner motivator. What language does your inner motivator speak? Does your inner motivator talk in positive and realistic terms about life, about business, and about your success? Does your inner motivator speak positively about others in the field? The inner voice that motivates you to success is your main supporter and cheerleader. Consciously take time and listen to the messages your inner motivator is sending. Successful people are self-motivated and see the glass filled to the top with plenty for everyone in the field. If you are speaking negatively, making excuses, criticizing others, turn it around by doing your inner work of looking at your fears or get some life coaching, or go to work for someone else.
Listen to Your Intuition
Another fundamental key to success is listening to your intuition. Make sure you make time daily to sit in silence, empty your head, and just listen for ideas or insights. Intuition plays a very important role in creating and maintaining a successful business. Women have been known for being naturally intuitive. Socialization taught us to downplay our intuitive strengths. However, the information is constantly coming in. We just need to tune into the quiet and listen. In Napoleon Hill’s best-selling book Think and Grow Rich, written in the 1960s, he dedicated a whole chapter to Intuition. Hill spent 22 years studying the habits of the highly successful businessmen of his time such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Ford, and Thomas Edison. What he found is that these men followed their intuition and listened to the intuition of the people that they trusted. You are truly tapped in. Spending time outside the noise of being busy will make your life a lot easier and provide you with some fresh insight into issues that you might be trying to resolve.
What are Your Views about Money and Success?
An additional aspect of the inner work includes examining your views about money and success. What I have found mentoring people in this field is that some people on a subconscious level have taken an oath of poverty (this by the way does not work in the business world). There is also the self-defeating belief about money and success, which is that my money goals are out of reach, I don’t have what it takes, I don’t deserve success, or I will never be successful. Some people put time frames on how long it should take them before they make enough money to support themselves. Others believe that energy workers should not get paid all that much because what they have is a gift. These attitudes will definitely sink the ship before it leaves the port.
Allowing the Flow of Energy (Money) into Your Life
Money is a form of energy, which is an exchange for a service. You paid for your training and your time and energy deserve to be rewarded fairly. You work using your energy, and you should receive money as a form of exchange. If you have something worthwhile to offer then money is the proper form of exchange. Stop blocking the flow of energy (money) into your life. Look within at your attitude toward money and success.
Staying on Track
My last key to share on the inner dynamics of creating a successful holistic health practice is actively using your awareness. Day-to-day we can and sometimes do fill each moment with a lot of busyness that does not relate to our vision or goals. Old habits of spending time talking on the phone or running other people’s errands, etc., will not create success. Elicit your inner awareness to monitor your day-to-day activities to make sure that these activities are directed toward completing your vision, goals, and strategies; this will ensure that you stay on track for success.
It’s a Process
Do not criticize yourself. This is a learning process to make you more aware of how you are spending your time and energy. You are learning to make intentional choices that lead to success. Release the time spent on activities and people that do not serve your vision. You will experience more energy for reaching your potential success.
Gandhi said, “That which you cultivate, you become.” We cultivate from within. So if you want to create a successful holistic health practice, cultivate success from within!
By Dawn Fleming
**This article appeared in The Reiki Times, the official magazine of the International Association of Reiki Professionals.
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