The Vision Board
When I first watched “The Secret” some time ago, the film’s recommendation to create a vision board to help attract what you desired in life really resonated with me. It was no time before I started gathering family photos and cutting out magazine pictures to make a visual wish list. Along with affirmations and quotations, the pictures were placed on a poster board, and after a few tweaks here and there, I was finally satisfied with the results. With lots of anticipation and every intention of deliberately creating this vision of long-held dreams, I hung my board on a wall where I’d see it every day.
The Gift of Reiki
Fast forward a couple of months later when I was gifted with Reiki and became a practitioner. While it was clear to me from the beginning that this was a life-changing leap, I didn’t anticipate the eventual (and significant) impact on what I thought were my heart’s desires. But the beauty and power of Reiki began to pave a road untraveled for years, a spiritual path. Daily Reiki self-treatments and sharing with others took me in a direction that changed the landscape of my life and gently, but persistently, nudged me to re-think what I considered important.

Enjoy the Gift of Reiki
Reiki Energy
The energy that was so physically calming also gave comfort to my soul in a way that I’d never expected, and it became the catalyst for deeper exploration into a journey of spirit. I began to start and end my days with prayer. Gradually, a meditation practice took hold and tapped further into a core of peace I never knew existed. It was like I’d found three rare gems in a box of costume jewelry.
Reiki allows us to uncover our genuine selves and the innate goodness we all possess.
One of the best things I’ve discovered about Reiki and its spiritual offshoots is that tranquility and contentment are absolutely attainable and always portable. These “gems” also allow us to uncover our genuine selves and the innate goodness we all possess. Each teaches its own lesson of how to nourish the soul and practice the presence of peace. And together they started rewriting certain priorities of mine.
In light of this awareness, I recently critiqued my vision board and found that although dreams like family harmony remained vital, there were others that were no longer significant. I’ve eliminated most of the material wants, like the home on the water. I’m beginning to understand that the constant quest for unnecessary tangibles sets up a never-ending search for that next better thing. In my new world, better things have a different meaning.
A Radiant Life
On this spiritual road, I’m still getting used to the terrain. Admittedly, when it comes to adjusting to fewer material goals, there are times when I have to resist the impulse to dream in tangible colors. But my confidence grows and my direction is focused each time I lay Reiki hands on myself, sit in meditation or speak in prayer to a higher power. The colors I see then are full of radiant life.
By Cassandra Johnson
**This article appeared in The Reiki Times, the official magazine of the International Association of Reiki Professionals.
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