In Reiki, there are basic traditional and fundamental hand positions taught in Reiki certification courses that are used to promote energy balance and assist in healing to various areas of the body. Depending on your particular health issue, more time may be spent on one area than another during a Reiki treatment. This article highlights the basic Reiki hand positions, generally speaking. Some of the hand positions may be omitted and/or they may occur in a different order during a session. Variations on these positions may also be done, depending on your individual needs.
About Reiki Hand Positions – the Basics
If you’re going in for your first treatment, these are the positions you can generally expect to be used, as they are typical to most treatment sessions. Each position is meant to balance the energies in that area and remove stuck energies there so that you can begin to relax, reduce stress and allow space for your body to rest and heal, and to function more optimally. If you need particular attention placed on one area, do let your practitioner know. Many times, your practitioner will be able to sense areas within the hand positions that need extra attention you may not have even known needed it.
What to Expect During a Reiki Treatment
During a Reiki session, a client rests comfortably on a massage table or is sometimes seated on a chair. There is no manipulation of tissue as in massage or bodywork that takes place, but just a very gentle hand pressure. And, unlike massage therapy, you are always fully clothed during a Reiki session. The session is usually done in silence with minimal talking unless of course, you wish to communicate something to your practitioner, then it is important that you do so promptly during the session. Your Reiki practitioner may play quiet soothing background music or nature sounds. If you are uncomfortable or could be more comfortable, for example, if the music is distracting or if you prefer to skip a certain Reiki hand position, just let your practitioner know before or during your session.
The Reiki “Touch”
Reiki is performed with either very gentle, static pressure from the practitioner’s hands-on traditional hand position areas, or with their hands hovering a few inches above your body. Reiki works just as well in either case so if you prefer to not be touched directly with any or all of the hand positions and prefer the hovering method, please communicate that to your practitioner before or during your session. Sensitive or private areas are never touched during a Reiki session. Even if you have a health issue in a sensitive or private area it is against a Reiki Professional Practitioner’s Code of Ethics to physically touch private or sensitive areas. Your Reiki Practitioner wants you to have the most relaxing and comfortable experience possible while you enjoy this timeless method of Japanese energy-work for stress reduction, relaxation, and wellness.

About Reiki Hand Positions
Here are some of the most common general hand positions that you might experience during your Reiki session:
Position A
Palms are placed lightly on your forehead and/or the practitioner’s hands may gently cup your eyes.
Position B
The practitioner may soothingly place their hands around at the sides of your temples and face.
Position C
Your head may be cradled in the practitioner’s hands as his or her hands rest on the table.
Position D
Your jawline or throat area may gently be offered Reiki.
Position E
The practitioner’s right or left hand may hover or be placed near your neck or above your collarbones, while their other hand will hover or be placed over your heart chakra.
Position F
Hands may be placed gently on your upper abdomen.
Position G
The practitioner may place their hands on your solar plexus area or mid-abdomen
Position H
The practitioner may place their hands on your mid-lower abdomen, a few inches below your navel.
Position I
Optionally a practitioner may offer Reiki to your knees and/or to your ankles or feet. These are optional positions if the practitioner feels they may benefit you. Or they may simply move on to hand positions on your back.
Position J
The practitioner may request if you are on a massage table, that you turn over onto your stomach with your head in a face cradle or resting gently to one side. The practitioner’s hands are gently placed on your shoulder blade area and rest there.
Position K
Hands are moved down to a position under your shoulder blades or middle back.
Position L
The practitioner moves their hands to apply gentle pressure in a hand position at your lower back.
Once the basic positions and/or variations have all been covered and stuck energies removed or balanced, the practitioner may move their hands over your body in a sweeping motion to cleanse your energy field of any leftover energy debris, leaving you cleansed, feeling good, and well on your way to enhanced well-being.
Please be sure to drink plenty of water for 24 hours after your session and to take some time, even just a couple of minutes, to revel in the peacefulness and tranquility after your session. Try to allow 10 or 15 minutes sometime after your session or perhaps later in the evening before bed to receive appreciation from your higher self for caring so eloquently for your body, mind, and spirit and to enjoy your increased state of wellness and peace.
This article appeared in The Reiki Times, Vol. 22, Issue Q3, the magazine of IARP: International Association of Reiki Professionals. © 2018. International Association of Reiki Professionals LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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