Just because you’re knowledgeable about Reiki doesn’t mean the entire rest of the world is. In certain areas and populations Reiki continues to be surrounded by a level of mystique, misconceptions and myths — some of which are absurd enough to drive you nuts.
Myth: Reiki is a Cult or Religion
While Reiki is certainly about spirituality, it has no connections to any religion or cult. There are no Reiki churches, Reiki priests, Reiki sermons or Reiki masses. Nor will you find a commune of Reiki initiates zealously following and giving all their money to their Reiki leaders. Reiki practitioners are not followers but independent thinkers.
Even the guiding principles that serve as the foundation of Reiki have no connection to religion.
The guiding Five Reiki Principles are:
Just for Today…
I will let go of anger
I will let go of worry
I will honor my parents, teachers and elders
I will do my work honestly
I will show gratitude to every living thing
Fundamentals that everyone can surely benefit by. Please also see A New Look at The Reiki Principles article here https://iarp.org/new-look-five-reiki-principles/

Reiki Principles… Just For Today, I Will Do One Thing
Myth: Reiki is Complicated New-Age Stuff
Since Reiki originates from a Japanese system developed by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900s, it’s about 70 years ahead of the New Age movement. And it’s not complicated at all. In fact, Reiki is quite straightforward and simple. Divine energy is channeled through the practitioner to the subject. There are no rules, regulations, dress codes, mandatory meetings, secret handshakes or other complications whatsoever.
Myth: Reiki Can Cure Anything
Reiki isn’t a cure-all for anything. It instead assists to help create a relaxation response and assists to promote a mind-body state conducive to healing. Curing involves alleviating symptoms and treating physical causes of a health condition. Reiki healing involves spiritual, emotional and mental unblocking and re-balancing to help get to the root cause of a condition, get back on track and create an optimal environment in which for the body to heal.
Granted, dissolving the root cause of a condition can definitely alleviate symptoms and physical conditions, but they were ameliorated in a different manner than curing provides.
Myth: You Only Need a Single Reiki Session for it to Work
That would be great for pretty much everyone, but it’s not necessarily true. While some people may have experienced profound healing effects after a single session, most do not. Reiki works to promote healing, and healing is a process that needs to be carried out over a period of time to see results. It’s typically recommended that people go through at least three or four Reiki sessions to experience notable changes. Many people begin with a series of ten sessions and then monthly energy tune-ups thereafter.
Myth: Since Reiki uses Divine Energy, it Should be Free
Divine energy is indeed free. But gaining the skill and ability to utilize Reiki energy for healing costs money. So does setting up a Reiki practice, launching a website, professional affiliations and work, spending time with clients and staying on top of the latest developments and trends.
People are paying for the skills and expertise the practitioner has developed to be a professional service provider, the same way other health and wellness providers are paid.
If people continue to come to you with one of these or other Reiki myths, don’t go crazy. Instead, receive it as a blessing. After all, you’re helping them learn the real truth about Reiki, so they, in turn, can pass on the wisdom to others rather than continue to perpetuate the myths.
Reiki On!
This article appeared in The Reiki Times, Vol. 23, Issue Q2, the magazine of IARP: International Association of Reiki Professionals. © 2019. International Association of Reiki Professionals LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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